Certificado de empleado público
Certificate for Personnel attached to the Administration or Public Servants
The certificates issued by FNMT-RCM for personnel in the service of the Public Administrations are Recognised Certificates as defined under the Electronic Signature Act 59/2003 and in Standard ETSI 101 456, enabling personnel in the service of the Public Administrations to obtain an electronic signature; and as defined under Act 11/2007, 22 June, concerning Citizens' Electronic Access to Public Services (LAECSP).
The Certificate for Personnel attached to the Public Administration is an electronic certification issued by FNMT-RCM, linking its holder to a set of signature verification data and confirming, on a joint basis:
- the identity of its holder, his Personal Identification Number, his post/position and/or his authorisation status.
- the organ, body or entity of the Public Administration, whether it be General, Autonomous, Local or Institutional, where he performs his functions, renders his services or develops his activity.
The scope of use of these certificates covers the various duties and functions peculiar to the holders in accordance with their post, job and, as applicable, their authorisation status. FNMT-RCM and the Administration, bodies and entities may set further limits in their agreements or arrangements, or in the relevant listed document, or, if appropriate, in the pertinent Certificate Issuance Act.
These certificates belong to AC AP, which is subordinate to FNMT-RCM AC Root. They are generated on a cryptocard and their key length is 2048 bits. They are valid for 36 months.
For further information about this certificate's profile and policy, along with the Specific Statement, go to Statement of Public Administration Certification Practices.