User service

Si recibes un correo de la FNMT-RCM y te resulta sospechoso, puedes realizar las siguientes comprobaciones para ver si es seguro abrirlo:

- Si no tienes un certificado de la FNMT-RCM elimina ese correo. La FNMT-RCM sólo envía correos a sus titulares relacionados con el ciclo de vida de los certificados respecto a la solicitud, descarga, renovación o revocación del mismo.

- Si en el correo se adjunta un fichero ZIP / RAR / ISO , elimina ese correo. La FNMT-RCM no envía ningún fichero adjunto en sus comunicaciones.

- Si la redacción del correo presenta errores, elimina ese correo.

- Si tienes un certificado emitido con la FNMT-RCM recuerda que nunca solicitaremos la parte privada de tu certificado, no lo entregues a nadie.

- El Servicio de Notificaciones Electrónicas (SNE) ya no se presta, ahora las notificaciones se realizan a través de DEHU. Si recibe un correo de SNE elimínelo.En cualquier otro caso el correo puede ser lícito, puedes comprobar la caducidad de tus certificados en nuestra web.

User service

Below you will find a list of services designed to answer any queries you might have. You can also make your own suggestions.

1. Answers to FAQ

  • The fastest and most convenient way to find answers to your queries.
  • The service is updated periodically.
  • All FAQ are included.
  • Provides precise information about how to solve your problem.

To use it, go to here.

2. Online form

  • Use it if you cannot find the answer to your question in the option above.
  • The fastest and most effective personalised user service.
  • You will receive an email with the answer to your question.
  • To help us give top service, please complete all applicable fields.
  • Remember to include your email address.

To use it, go to here.

3. E-mail

  • Use it if you do not receive an answer to your question in the options above.
  • You will receive an email with the answer to your question.
  • To help us provide an effective response, include the exact error message.

To use it send us an email.

4. User Service Telephone Numbers

Use these if you did not get a response to your query through the previous options.

AEAT (Tax Agency): 901 33 55 33

If your query concerns:

  • The telematic filing of returns in your own name or in that of third parties.
  • A request for tax information.
  • Tax returns labels.
  • Errors arising in your connection with the address

Tax Information Service timetable Monday to Friday, 0900 to 1900 hours.

Technical support: Mondays to Fridays, from 09.00 a 19.00.


If your query concerns the secure application made available to you by the National Insurance, you should call the User Service Unit.

Timetable: The telephone service is operative 24 hours a day although personalised attention is available only in office hours (Mondays to Fridays, mornings and afternoons).

FNMT-RCM: 917406982 / 917040191

If your query concerns

  • Obtaining the certificate
  • Cancelling the certificate
  • Renewing the certificate
  • Suspending the certificate
  • Errors arising in your connection with the FNMT Electronic Platform.


  • From 08:00 to 19:00, Mondays to Fridays, national working days EXCEPT
  • From 1 May to 30 June: from 09:00 to 21.00 Mondays to Fridays and from 09:00 to 14:00 Saturdays.
  • From 1 August to 31 August: from 09:00 a 15:00 Mondays to Fridays.

FNMT-RCM: Cancellation by phone: 917406848 / 913878337

FNMT-RCM provides a 24x7 service enabling you to cancel Private Individual Certificates by phone. The service is not available for other types of certificate.