Certificado de Sello electrónico

Electronic Stamp Certificate

The certificates issued by FNMT-RCM for electronic signature systems used in automated administrative activity are Recognised Certificates as defined under the Electronic Signature Act 59/2003 and are valid for automated administrative activity as defined under Act 11/2007, 22 June, concerning Citizens' Electronic Access to Public Services (LAECSP).

  • Certificates for automated administrative activity are issued by FNMT-RCM for the purpose of linking a set of signature verification data to the identification of an organisational unit forming part of a Public Administration entity; a unit being understood to refer to a place where automated administrative activity is carried out: an area, section, department, etc.
  • The certificates also link up to the private individual who has the highest responsibility over said organisational unit.

The scope of use of these certificates is limited to the creation of electronic stamps used by the Public Administration or State-owned entities to identify and authenticate the performance of duty in the automated administrative activity of the organisational unit. FNMT-RCM and the Administration, bodies and entities may set further limits in their agreements or arrangements, or in the relevant listed document, or, if appropriate, in the pertinent Certificate Issuance Act.

For further information about this certificate's profile and policy, along with the Specific Statement, go to Statement of Public Administration Certification Practices.


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